Updated October 9th, 2024
The website pages discussed below may or may not appear in the order discussed because they may be moved to add clarity or change seasonal importance. In addition certain pages are considered seasonal and may not appear at all times during the year.
There are 7 sub-headings shown across the top of this web site:
1. Home
2. About *
3. Programs *
4. Resources *
5. News*
6. Contact
7. Login *
* The down arrowheads indicate it has a drop-down menu with additional options. Which means that by clicking on the down arrowhead, these options appear for the user to select.
Under the About menu, the options are:
- Post History --- A short dissertation on our Post's history and includes before and after pictures
- Mission --- This is both the National VFW and Post 4031 Mission Statements.
- Officers --- This section contains photos and biographies of both the Post 4031 and its Auxiliary Officer.
- Auxiliary --- This is a description of the VFW Post 4031 Auxiliary and how to join.
- VFW Post Staff Members --- This page features the photos and biographies of the VFW Post Staff members.
- Hall Rental --- This section describes how to rent one of our halls.
- Blue and Gold Star Mothers --- VFW post 4031 is proud to host the Blue and Gold Star Mothers and this section describes both programs.
- Announcements --- This section contain important announcements of interest to Post members.
- Post Canteen --- This is a description of the Post Canteen and what it offers.
- FAQs --- Frequently Asked Questions and answers.
- Gallery --- Many pictures of happening in and around the Post.
- Membership --- This is how to become a member of the VFW and what membership offers to you.
- Our Local Veteran Allies --- This section is dedicated to our Veteran support allies.
- Donations --- Here is a description of how to donate to the VFW and offers a way to donate using a credit card.
- Sponsorship --- Sponsorship is a special category of donor that entails a great deal of advertising on our web site and the ability to edit your own web page on our web site. There is an ability to use a credit card to become a sponsor.
- Website Privacy Policy and Terms of Service --- This is a statement of the VFW4031's Policy for protecting your Personal Information and data.
Under the Programs menu, the options are: (some of these may be shown only during the season during which the program is appropriate.)
- Programs --- This describes the importance of the VFW Programs.
- Honor Guard --- The Honor Guard is one of the most important programs that the VFW undertakes.
- Veteran's Outreach --- This page provides information regarding Veteran's Crisis Hotline.
- Veteran's Service Officer --- This page provides a description and contact numbers for the Post and the County Veteran's Service Officers.
- Community Service --- Reaching out into our communities is vital to our organization
- Americanism --- The describes Flag information, POW/MIA remembrance, and other Patriotic programs.
- MOC --- Military Order of the Cooties.
- POW/MIA --- This page describes the VFW position that we will never forget the Prisoners of War and the Missing in Action.
- TAPS --- This page is to honor our American military Veterans and Post Auxiliary Members who have gone on before us.
- Safety --- This page describes the Safety and Recognition programs of the VFW.
- Buddy Poppy --- The VFW Buddy Poppy program provides compensation to the veterans who assemble the poppies, provides financial assistance in maintaining state and national veterans' rehabilitation and service programs.
- Veterans Memorial --- VFW 4031 helped build and maintains the Veterans Memorial at Greemount Cemetery.
- Veterans Benefit Breakfast--- Every 1st and Third Sunday each month the VFW hosts a Veteran's Benefit Breakfast.
- Memorial Day--- This is a seasonal page that appears only as the holiday approaches. VFW Post 4031 marks Memorial Day with four events, this page describes the Memorial Day events.
- Veterans Day Parade--- This is a seasonal page that appears only as the holiday approaches. VFW Post 4031 has sponsored the Veterans Day Parade and Open House for 22 years.
- Veterans Ball at the Post --- This is a seasonal page that appears only before the event occurs. Most Veterans Day the Post puts on a Ball for the veterans and members in our community.
- Wreathes Across America --- This is a seasonal page that appears only as the holiday approaches. Wreathes Across America is a National program that puts wreathes on veterans graves for the Christmas Holidays.
- VFW Warriors --- The Warriors are a group of veteran motorcycle riders that participate in a variety of veterans events to promote support for veterans causes.
- CABA now known as the VFW Airlift --- This is a seasonal page that appears only before the holiday approaches. The Colorado Aviation Business Association flies in toys and food each year to Durango for subsequent distribution to needy veterans and their families.
- Toys for Tots --- This is a seasonal page that appears only as the holiday approaches. Toys for Tots is a program that is sponsored by the marine Corps Reserve that collects toys for needy children.
Under the Resources menu, the options are:
- Resources --- The resources are of the website lists resources that are available for veterans to assist in getting help for various needs.
- Members Only --- This area is where you will find information that is intended for members but also is accessible by the general public.
- Update Details --- This provides an email ability to update the information we have on file for you such as email address, address, phone number, etc.
- Talking Points --- If you are talking with a potential member this section provides you with information you might use to convince the potential member to join.
- Veterans Relief --- The Veterans Relief program is a joint effort by VFW Post 4031, the American Legion, and the Elks Lodge of Durango to gather funds, food, and other items in order to help needy veterans and their families.
- Veterans Stand-Down --- The veterans stand down provides information to needy veterans primarily aimed at homeless vets and others who are seeking assistance. The veterans stand down is sponsored by the La Plata County Veterans Officer and is assisted by the VFW.
- Veterans Benefits and Assistance --- This area provides a listing of veterans resources that might help answers you may have on any veterans subject.
- Veteran Discounts --- A listing of veterans discounts that are available in the general community.
Under the News menu, there the following options:
- Podcast --- The monthly/weekly National VFW podcast is shown here.
- VFW Post 4031 On-Line Store - This page is the store where you can buy VFW and other merchandise. Check this often as the items for sale change often.
- News --- This page shows National and Post news items.
- Calendar --- This page shows the calendars for the present month and future months.
- Suggestion Box ---This page provides you the opportunity to provide suggestions to VFW Post 4031, the Post website, and suggestions in general.
- Event News --- This page talks about an event that just occurred. This includes a description and photos of the event.
- Thank you Sponsors and Donors --- This is a listing of all those companies and individuals that have contributed to the success of VFW Post 4031.
- Hall Rental Calendar --- This calendar lists those entities that have rented the halls and allows you to see when the halls are available to rent.
- Facebook -- This is a direct feed from the VFW Post 4031 Facebook Page.
- Instagram -- This is a direct feed for the VFW Post 4031 Instagram Page.
- VFW Action Corps --- This pages describes the VFW Action Corps grassroots effort. This effort is a way that anyone interested in helping the VFW can help the VFW achieve its goals.
- #Still Serving --- This page allows access to the National VFW #Still Serving Page. #Still Serving shares stories of VFW veterans and how they help their Posts.
Under the Login menu, there is only one option you can use:
- Members Only --- This section contains information that is some important to all members and that contain financial or confidential information. At the log in section enter your VFW membership number as printed on your membership card as your user name. Your password is your last name with the only first letter capitalized, all other letters small, and with no spaces, hyphens, or other special characters.
As an aside:
- You ONLY need to use the Login menu when you want to use the Members Only option. There is no need to login to use any other option on the web site
- Post Officers are the normal users of Webmail
- At this time there are 2 co-webmasters who can use Site Admin Webmaster & Quartermaster)