Our programs support our service members while they are on the front line, as they are being discharged and long after they return. Your tax-deductible donation will be immediately directed to the VFW programs where your support is most urgently needed.


Sponsor - Advertise Your Business Here

You can advertise your business here by becoming a VFW 4031 Web Site Sponsor.

 The VFW 4031 Web Page offers you a unique capability to sponsor our Web Page. Sponsorship costs $400.00 per year and offers a free Web Page that can be used to promote your business. Here is a link to a VFW Sponsorship Flier discussing the program. Additionally you can decide to sponsor one of VFW 4031's events such as the Veteran's Benefit Breakfast, Veteran's Day Parade, and many others. Please contact us about these opportunities.
Your support will enable us to meet our Web Site goals. Your generous  sponsorship will fund our Web Site's hosting and other costs associated with the Page allowing for other funds to be used to support our Veterans.    Please contact the Post for more information. If you wish send us check at; QuarterMaster, VFW4031, 1550 Main Avenue, Durango, CO. 81301. If you have questions please call (970) 247-0384 or e-mail 
You can also donate by credit card by going to our Sponsorship page. Go to the Home Page, select About, and then select Sponsorship.